School Ground Sounds
How it came about
Music has many powerful personal and social benefits for young people and yet it is often under-funded in schools. We believe every young person should be able to access music education in some way, regardless of postcode or background.
After school hours can be a challenging time, exposing some young people to more negative influences. Our programme helps to keep young people engaged in positive, safe and meaningful activities during this time.
How it works
The programme features 10 workshops per term, delivered one afternoon a week after school with up to 15 students per session in South London.
Sessions focus on the creation of original music and development of songwriting and musicianship skills, including visits to a local studio to record the group’s music.
The workshops are led by 2-3 DBS-checked musicians, each with youth work experience and a background in music.
“Working with Grounded Sounds was one of the highlights of the year! Their program was bespoke to our students’ needs and their workshop leaders were outstanding. When I heard the songs the students had composed over 8 weeks I was so impressed by the professional quality of the music and the recording. All the students who were involved are clamouring to be part of the project again and I would definitely have them in school a lot more if I could.”
Music Teacher, 2019
Our work so far
Since the School Ground Sounds programme was set up in April 2019, we have run a total of 17 projects (each a term in length) across a number of different secondary schools (some listed below).
“His confidence has grown tremendously during this time. He's always been a very talented musician and performer, but as one of the only boys in his year group who identifies as such, he's understandably been somewhat reluctant to express himself in front of others. SGS has given him opportunities to show his work to other like-minded students, helping him to feel part of a musical community.”
Music Teacher, 2020
Get in touch to find out more
Teachers/Schools: Whilst we focus on South London schools and Lambeth particularly, we are open to running projects across London. The programme aims to boost music opportunities in schools where % pupil premium is high. If you are a teacher that might be interested, please get in touch by emailing our School Programme manager Anna Uzande :
Parents/guardians: If your child is already on the programme and you have any queries or concerns, please contact either the member of school staff who is the main contact or, alternatively, email Anthony Olanipekun at and he will be happy to speak to you.